The Purpose of MOPS is to encourage, equip and develop every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader in the name of Jesus Christ.


More on the Regional Training Day

Would you mind ensuring that all MOPS and MOPPETS Leaders and MENTORS on your steering team receive an invitation to attend.

Thank you so much to those that have already come forward to help with the
Hosting,Catering Lunch and organising Welcome Packs, I really appreciate you.

I am still looking for some help with the following areas...
  • Hospitality at the start of the day (Running the Icebreaker & Lucky Door/Expectant Mums gifts)
  • Discussion Leaders
If you feel that this is something that you could do, please get back to me at your earliest convenience.

Hope you're having a great week. I'll be praying for you as you prepare to bring MOPS to the Mums in your community this Friday.

With Love and big mobs of MOPS Hugs


Michele @ The Hills are Alive said...

Can be a DL Karen

Karen A-D said...

I was counting on you being a DGL.... Yay! will send through questions, the week of the RTD so you can peruse and prepare.