The Purpose of MOPS is to encourage, equip and develop every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader in the name of Jesus Christ.



Life Together on Planet Coordinator...
I am sure by now that you are off and running for the year... MOPS calendars printed and distributed, Term one mostly organised. It seems that everywhere I go at the moment I’m being bombarded with messages of “space”! Were they there last year? Did I just not notice them? Our theme for the year is everywhere at the moment. I wonder...are you allowing God the space he needs with your MOPS group? Are you allowing God the space he needs with you? Are you allowing space within your day to day to meet with Him? I got a timely reminder of this on Sunday, when the Pastor shared a message on S.P.A.C.E.
Is there a..... ?
·         Sin I need to confess?
·         Promise I need to claim?
·         Action I need to take?
·         Commitment I need to make?
·         Example I need to follow?
During your Regular Bible Reading time, I challenge you to ask these questions, and encourage you to journal your thoughts.... We are called to be doers of the word (see James 1:22)... We need to make sure our hearts are right with God (see Psalm 51:10) seek him fervently first (Matthew 6:33), and then all things will flow on from there. Whether it be in your role as a MOPS Coordinator, Wife, Mother, Friend, Neighbour, Daughter...? Perhaps you could start journaling with phrases that begin with ‘I need to...’
I need to....
·         Ring...
·         Visit...
·         Keep my mouth shut...
·         Turn off the TV...
·         Help...
·         Give...
·         Delegate...
·         Encourage...
·         Thank...
I pray that you would be able to create S.P.A.C.E in your day to meet with the creator of the universe, that he would affirm you in your leadership role and that you would be greatly encouraged. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

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